Privacy policy

AMENITIZ Solutions is particularly sensitive to the respect of your privacy and the protection of your personal data.  

AMENITIZ SOLUTIONS (hereinafter "AMENITIZ") offers a website accessible at the url address (hereinafter the "Site") in free navigation to Internet users visiting the Site in order to provide users of e-learning training content as well as video, audio and editorial content for information and/or entertainment purposes.  

In this privacy policy, the term "User" refers to any Internet user browsing the Site. The terms "you" and "your" refer to Users while the terms "we" and "our" refer to AMENITIZ.

This privacy policy explains how AMENITIZ, acting as data controller, collects and processes personal data as part of the administration and management of the Site.

AMENITIZ thus undertakes to ensure the compliance of the processing carried out in its capacity as data controller in accordance with the regulations relating to personal data and in particular with law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 known as "Informatique et Libertés" as as amended and to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016 known as “GDPR” (hereinafter the “Regulations”).

In the context of this policy, the term "Data" and/or the expression "Personal Data" means any data relating to the User allowing him to be identified directly or indirectly. 

ARTICLE 1 - Our commitment to the protection of privacy

We are committed to protecting your right to privacy. We aim to manage your Personal Data responsibly and be transparent about our practices. This is why we are committed to respecting the following principles:

  • You are under no obligation to provide the personal data we request from you. However, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide certain services to you;
  • We only collect and process your Data for the purposes set out in this privacy policy or for specific purposes for which you have been informed and/or to which you have consented;
  • We strive to collect, process and use as little Personal Data as possible;
  • When we collect your Data, we strive to keep it as accurate and up-to-date as possible;
  • We put in place all the technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security, confidentiality and integrity of the Data; 
  • When the Data we collect is no longer needed for any purpose and we are not required by law to retain it, we will do our best to delete, destroy or anonymize it; 
  • We raise awareness and train our staff on Data protection issues;

We undertake to notify the competent supervisory authority of any security breach presenting a high risk to rights and freedoms within seventy-two (72) hours of the discovery of the breach.  

ARTICLE 2 - What data do we collect?  

The Personal Data we collect varies depending on the purpose of the processing.

In general, we may collect the following types of Data directly from you:

a) Identification data and contact details: surname, first name and your email address;  

b) Connection and browsing data: IP address, Internet service provider, type of browser used, operating system, the pages of the Site visited, the date, time and place of access, or data relating to the behavioral analysis of the actions and choices made.

You agree to only communicate Data that is accurate, complete and regularly updated.

AMENITIZ's processing activities do not in principle result in the collection of sensitive data through the Site or by other means. However, in the event that AMENITIZ is required to collect and process such data, it will do so in accordance with the Regulations. 

ARTICLE 3 - What categories of trackers and cookies do we use?  

We are likely to deposit tracking technologies such as cookies on your terminal when you browse the Site.

Cookies are tracers deposited and/or read, for example when consulting a website and stored in the browser of your terminal. They make it possible to recognize the browser of your computer and to keep information for the period of validity of the cookie concerned.

You will find below the list of cookies used on the Site, their purpose and how to deactivate them. 

Strictly Necessary Cookies:
These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the Site, the use of its most important features and the fluidity of navigation. These include security features, features that allow easy access. These cookies cannot be disabled.

Functional cookies:
These cookies make it possible to improve the quality of navigation on the Site, in particular by saving your preferences expressed during the visit to the Site. The information collected via these cookies is anonymous and does not identify you. These cookies can be disabled.  

Audience measurement cookies: These cookies are used on the Site to produce anonymous statistics. They make it possible to recognize the Users, to count them and to identify the way in which they move on the Site when they use it. This makes it possible to improve the functioning of the Site, for example by ensuring that Users easily find what they are looking for. They can be disabled.  

Social media cookies:When the User uses one of the sharing buttons on the Site, a cookie may be installed by the social network concerned in order to share the content instantly on the social network. The Site does not block cookies from these third-party sites and has no control over their implementation. You are invited to consult the cookie policy of these social networks for more information.

Cookie management: 
You can manage, deactivate or authorize cookies by indicating your choices on the tag manager accessible during its first visit through the cookies banner.

The User can also manage his cookies globally by modifying the parameters of his Internet browser by following the corresponding link below:

  • Chrome:
  • Internet Explorer: 
  • Firefox:
  • Safari:

ARTICLE 4 - What are the legal bases and the purposes of the processing that we implement?  

We collect your personal data so that we can provide you with the best online experience. In particular, we may collect, store, use and disclose your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:

  • Purpose: To understand and assess the interests, wishes and changing needs of visitors.
  • Legal Basis (Consent): Where you have given your consent for processing activities, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • Purpose: Sending The Hotel Club by Amenitiz newsletter. 
  • Legal Basis (Consent): Where you have given your consent for processing activities, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

When we collect and use your Personal Data for the purposes mentioned above or for other purposes, we will inform you beforehand or at the time of collection.  

ARTICLE 5 - For how long do we keep your Data?  

We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary for the purposes for which we collected it, including to comply with any legal or accounting requirements.

To determine the appropriate retention period for Personal Data, we take into account the amount, nature and sensitivity of the Personal Data, the potential risk that could arise from the unauthorized use or disclosure of your Data, the purposes for which we process your Personal Data, as well as applicable legal requirements.

The Personal Data concerning you collected and processed as part of the sending of our newsletter will not be kept for more than three (3) years from their collection.

Personal Data from cookies and tracers will be kept for a maximum of thirteen (13) months from their collection. 

After the set deadlines, the Data will either be deleted or kept for statistical purposes after being anonymized. They can be kept in archiving in the event of pre-litigation and litigation. It should be noted that deletion or anonymization are irreversible operations, and that AMENITIZ is no longer able, thereafter, to restore this data.

ARTICLE 6 - What are your rights?

In accordance with the Regulations, you have a certain number of rights which you can exercise, if necessary, at any time. Below we give you an overview of these rights and what they mean for you.

You can exercise your rights by contacting AMENITIZ at the following email address: or at the following postal address: 4, Place d'Urquinaona, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.

More specifically, the rights to which you may be entitled are as follows:

  • The right to access and rectify your personal data

You have the right to request access to your Personal Data, to correct or update it at any time. 

  • The right to erasure of your personal data
You may have the right to ask us to delete your Data if:  
  1. the Data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected;
  2. Where you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing this Data;
  3. Where you oppose with a legitimate reason that we process your Data;
  4. Where the Data is not lawfully processed;
  5. Where your Data must be deleted to comply with the law.

  • The right to withdraw your consent
    When we process your Data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw their consent at any time. However, this withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that took place before this withdrawal.

  • The right to restriction of processing
    This right allows you to request that AMENITIZ only process your personal data in limited circumstances, in particular with your consent.

  • The right to object to processing
    You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data, provided that the interests linked to this opposition prevail over the legitimate reasons for processing your Data.

  • The right to data portability
    This right allows you to receive a copy (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format) of the Personal Data that you have transmitted to AMENITIZ, or to ask the latter to transmit this personal data to another data controller.

  • The right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority
    You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we process your Personal Data directly with the competent supervisory authority in your country of residence.

ARTICLE 7 - How do we ensure the security of your Data?  

We have implemented security measures to protect your Data and we ask our subcontractors to implement equivalent security measures.  We are aware of the importance of the security of your Data.

We make every effort to protect your personal data against fraudulent intrusion, misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. 

ARTICLE 8 - Who are the recipients of your Data?  

When we share your personal data with our subcontractors or trusted third parties, we ensure that they comply with the Regulations.

The recipients of your Data may in particular be service providers who help us provide IT services, such as providers of hosting, maintenance and assistance services for our databases as well as for our software and on the Site, but also our logistics providers assist us in the delivery of your orders.

Our servers are located in the European Union and we do not transfer your Personal Data outside of the European Economic Area.  

ARTICLE 9 - How to contact us?  

If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy or if you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us at the following email address 

You can also write to us at the following address: 
4, Plaza d'Urquinaona, 08010 Barcelona, Spain.

ARTICLE 10 - Specificities for minors

The Site does not target minors under the age of 16 as an audience. 

However, if information was collected on a minor under the age of 16 from the Site, the legal representative of the minor must give his prior consent and validate the communication of Personal Data. 

ARTICLE 11 - Modification of the privacy policy

AMENITIZ reserves the right to make any changes to this privacy policy, in particular according to changes in the legislation and regulations in force, it being specified however that it will duly inform the User.
Date of privacy policy: 2024